I am so thankful to the Lord for providing our family with the most wonderful church and school for our children. It is so sweet to hear our little Aaron sing Christian songs about men like Zaccheus and David and not a popular celebrity like Justin Bieber. I love to see him walking in on Sunday morning carrying his Bible and his love offering excited to see Lily and Mrs. Busch, a very special Sunday School teacher, friend and faithful servant to our dear Lord.
I enjoy going to the Christian Academy and seeing all of the kids getting along like a great big family. Just the other day Michaela said it was like she was the older sister watching over her younger siblings. Words can not express how thankful I was to hear her say that.
Today, I was on the School blog and I read of how excited and thankful the children were about the Fall Festival. I saw my Marcus' picture as a blogger and thought of how excited he was to take on this new role. It's wonderful to see my 12 year old son's picture on a Christian School blog and the enthusiasm he has towards being a part of it all.
Long Island Baptist Academy is a most unique school, one where you learn Rules of Life, proper etiquette, reasons to love the Lord, play ping pong, have flea Markets, learn about Science from a Biblical standpoint, math, grammer, just to name a few and have a blast doing it. Long Island Baptist Academy is a school where when you graduate you wish you could start all over again, when there is a vacation you can't wait to get back, when you are corrected its only because they love you.
I hope the chidren really grasp how blessed they are to be able to attend this most wonderful School, I wish I could !
If you haven't already, please visit the blog http://libacliff.blogspot.com/
Thanks for reading !
What a beautiful, well-written tribute to Long Island Baptist Academy! Your thoughts are so Christ-like Maritza... thanks for this lovely post.
I didn't even mention the wonderful teachers and school secretary ! Mary you are a blessing to us all. You always have a great big smile on your face and a willingness to serve. Our family loves Randy, Mary and Abbey SOOOOOO much !
What a blessing it is to finally find our church home!! I love you Maritza!!!
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